2nd Grade Homewor
2nd Grade Homework Week of 9/23
SPELLING WORDS- bits bites robs robes us use bang cute unicorns remember tubes tubs forks ships shipping
Monday- Reading worksheet or wb pg
Spelling write the 1st ½ of the words 3x
Math - worksheet 25 & 26
Tuesday - Math - worksheet pg 27 and 28
spelling - write the rest of the words 3x
reading - workbook pg or worksheet
Wednesday -
Math - Worksheet pg 29 & 30
Spelling - use 5 SPELLING WORDS in 5 sentences
End 1 with ! , one with a ? , and the
rest can end with period
Please UNDERLINE them
Reading- Workbook page or worksheet
Social Studies Quiz
Thursday - Reading worksheet or wb page
Spelling Take a written pretest in your spelling book
Math- worksheet pg 31 & 32
SPELLING TEST FRIDAY /READ for 20 minutes by next MONDAY
****INITIAL showing this was done on paper in Spelling notebook
Math- Test will be the week of 9/23, I will let you know the exact day midweek once I see when we finish the unit. We will do a review the day before the test.